
We offer wide help in preparation of the applications for EU founds as Erasmus +, Horizon Europe and other. The EUC employees have a long time experiences with the activities relevant for young people as a target group. First of all all experts have experiences from the education and training processes and act or acted as a  teachers at the vocational schools and/or universities. Members of EUC have also experience with cooperation with many national and international youth organisations ( eg. schools, universties and NGO’s) accross the Europe. They also closelly cooperate with ministries of social affairs, education and agriculture, the national centres for equal opportunies, NGOs and umbrella organisation involved in the social inclusion and education, etc. Moreover part of our staff have high organisational sills as they were organised several different events like conferences, seminars, trainings etc. Nevertheless our experts have wide experiences with the online tools (e.g. set online side of the project – website, training platform etc.) and augmented technologies like as virtual learning platforms or gaming and gamification.
In general, the EUC’s scope of activities includes:
– Delivery of educational activities for disadvantaged individuals and groups to increase labour market participation and promote social inclusion.
– Developing strategies for rural development with the focus on local production and securing culture heritage by supporting local products and regional handicrafts.
– Carrying out research activities and studies to identify the needs of disadvantaged groups from rural areas on issues related to support they employability, equal opportunities and sustainable development of the rural areas.
– Organisation of conferences and forums to raise awareness on local production, social opportunities at rural area and traditional food production.
Although EUC is relativelly new organisation, our employees have wide experience in the project’s proposal topic area. EUC experts have acted as a partner in the several project in the frame Life Long Learning programme, Erasmus+, International Visegrad Fund, Interreg or Cross-border cooperation related to the several topics which are in line with the  youth call and cultural heritage in general.  All the projects was finished with the success.

If you have any idea for new project, event or any other cooperation – please contact us.