Edu Consulting is an young NGO set in January 2017. EUC is an international NGO which is set by participants from Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland.
Edu Consulting is Non Governmental Organisation established in Czech Republic to work in education. Associations main aim is to promote modern systems and ways of education on the principles of multiculture. Its emphasis focus first of all on the area of cultural heritage, promotion of the culture in Europe, youth education (especially from rural areas) and women enterpreunership. EUC involves dynamic team of experienced employees provides a comprehensive package of services addressing the needs of the NGO’s target groups youths, professionals of various areas ( e.g. rural development advisors, social and cultural facilitators etc.), cultural organisations and NGO’s .
EUC also identified, from the initial steps of its operations, the need for creating links between the Czech culture and the wider European culture and put great emphasis on the exploitation of the potentials created by the Czech Republic participation in the European Union.
EUC offers a variety of services to the public, as well as the private sector of Czech Republic. It has also started to actively participate in international schemes, through a well established network of partners abroad, based on the intense past experience of its founder.
Staff of EUC participated in several international multilateral projects mostly in the frame of Life Long Learning Programme and Erasmus Plus Strategic Partnerships.
Our NGO is focused also on the development of the entrpereunership, SME’s, rural areas, social issues and many other topics.
Our staff consists of academic techers, VET teachers, agricultural advisors and other professionals of different professions.
We are open for any kind of cooperation in the area of our activity.